Around Paris: Time Lapses

Well done time lapses of Paris.

Blagojevich vs. Bieber

Just sayin…

Brunton Flip N’ Drip Coffee Maker

From the Brunton Flip N’ Drip is the campers gateway to brewed coffee… Having just choked down instant from a dusty RV shelf, sign me up.

The descriptor sounds good anyway:

Ah, the great outdoors: the fresh air, the stars, the critters, the spooky nighttime noises and the hard, scraggly ground.  Yeah, getting up in the morning after a night of camping can be a little rough.  The Brunton Flip N’ Drip Coffee Maker (price TBA) ensures there’s at least one morning comfort (i.e. your coffee) that you don’t have to compromise on, no matter how far away you may be from civilization.

Major League Baseball Opening Day Bar Stool

Opening day for Major League Baseball just kicked off, which is significant because the NFL football season can’t begin until MLB is almost finished. Baby stepping towards football.

Slip-On Tattoo Sleaves

Fake tattoo sleeves found on Maybe I live a sheltered life, but I’m just discovering these now. If wearing these for anything besides a costume party occasion there’s a likelihood that these fake tattoos come with a real beating.

The Skynyrd.

For those considering Christianity, but aren’t ready to commit.

Nothing tougher than a fake snake tattoo.

These slip-on tattoo sleeves would seem to have a lot of applications. So far I’ve come up with: giving undercover cops yet another way to blow their cover, freaking out your mom (this mainly applies to the Kiss Army sleeve), a test run for college kids that have the money, but aren’t sure if a sleeve is cool looking enough to make them unhire-able at Ernst and Young. All in all good show.

I’d buy one, but I don’t know if I could stop with just one. “Say honey, what do you think goes best with my No Fear t-shirt – the skater tattoo or the tribal? I mean, the tribal goes better with the shirt, but we are seeing Pennywise tonight…”

Gumby Dharma: Art Clokey Documentary

Just saw this on IFC this morning. Really interesting documentary on Gumby creator Art Clokey. Definitely worth checking out…

Jim Carroll and Charles Bukowski

Happy Easter Sunday

Happy Easter, if you’re so inclined… For everyone else happy Sunday.

Annie the Cat Attacks Neon Rider official mascot, Annie the Cat, attacks web game Neon Rider. Set to the soothing sounds of early 90’s hardcore band Demise.

The Jim Carroll Band – People Who Died

Unfortunately Jim Carroll was added to the song title last year. Bummer, but here’s a good wiki on a really cool guy…